{"id":11562,"date":"2020-04-08T14:00:36","date_gmt":"2020-04-08T13:00:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/rugby.scuf.org\/?p=11562"},"modified":"2020-04-21T20:30:19","modified_gmt":"2020-04-21T19:30:19","slug":"gene-pawley-1935-2020","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/rugby.archive.scuf.org\/2020\/04\/08\/gene-pawley-1935-2020\/","title":{"rendered":"Gene PAWLEY (1935-2020)"},"content":{"rendered":"
AUX SCUFISTES et \u00e0 la ROSE CUP.<\/p>\n
Gene Pawley died on the 5th April at 12h 30 in Stratford. C’est une tr\u00e8s mauvaise nouvelle pour tous, et pour les deux clubs. Amour, amiti\u00e9, fraternit\u00e9 pour tous, telle \u00e9tait la personnalit\u00e9 de Gene, qui avait travers\u00e9 ce si\u00e8cle entour\u00e9e de l\u2019affection de toutes les g\u00e9n\u00e9rations scufistes.<\/p>\n
Amour, certes. Quant \u00e0 la premi\u00e8re fois que je vins \u00e0 Stratford, je s\u00e9journais \u00e0 Loxley et j\u2019ai appr\u00e9ci\u00e9 leur welcome, puis John mon correspondant pour la Rose Cup, son maintien et sa continuit\u00e9. Et de notre fr\u00e9quentation nos familles se m\u00eal\u00e8rent et ne se quitt\u00e8rent plus, vacances, No\u00eal, Bicentenaire de la R\u00e9volution, Bastille\u2019s Day et s\u00e9jours pour les jeunes : J\u00e9r\u00f4me , Julien , Maxime\u2026\u2026, accueil chaleureux pour les petits Schwartz Thomas et Julien , les Igarza, Bouteilly \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 et tous les autres\u2026\u2026! Sa joie de vivre\u2026..\u2026..<\/p>\n
Amiti\u00e9 , elle \u00e9tait transmise \u00e0 tout le S.C.U.F, ils furent tous invit\u00e9s chez les Pawley, les g\u00e9n\u00e9rations se succ\u00e9d\u00e8rent, c\u2019\u00e9tait une f\u00eate continue les parents, les enfants tous pass\u00e8rent par Ryland street notre bonheur \u00e9tait son bonheur, elle aimait le S.C.U.F , la France. Elle \u00e9tait certainement la plus parisienne des femmes de Stratford. A Paris avec tous les grands navigateurs de nuit elle connut tous les restaurants, et si elle ne parlait pas notre langue elle comprenait \u00e0 la perfection la carte d\u2019un restaurant et surtout les\u00a0\u00bb plats canailles\u00a0\u00bb. Elle participa \u00e0 toutes les f\u00eates du S.C.U.F \u00e0 Paris, elle n\u2019a jamais manqu\u00e9 un match de la Rose CUP \u00e0 Pearcecroft. Elle \u00e9tait assidue \u00e0 la vie sociale du club. Ce dernier , \u00e0 la mort de John, eut la d\u00e9licate attention de la nommer Vice-Presidente. Elle participa au dernier grand diner des VP en f\u00e9vrier dernier\u2026\u2026..<\/p>\n
Fraternit\u00e9 , elle aimait la vie et ses plaisirs Son plus grand bonheur \u00e9tait de donner du bonheur aux autres. Elle poss\u00e9dait la m\u00e9moire du coeur et il faisait bon habiter, \u00eatre enfoui dans cette m\u00e9moire l\u00e0. G\u00e9n\u00e9reuse, serviable envers chacun, hospitali\u00e8re o\u00f9 le gin tonic clarifie l\u2019esprit et l\u2019entendement, chasse tristesse, donne joie et liesse. Elle fut un des plus grands supports de l\u2019amiti\u00e9 entre nos deux clubs, elle contribua grandement \u00e0 maintenir la Rose Cup dans ses valeurs . Une grande perte ressentie par tous dans les deux clubs.<\/p>\n
\u00abAvec celle que nous aimons, nous avons cess\u00e9 de parler, \u2026mais ce n\u2019est pas le silence\u2026\u2026\u00a0\u00bb\u00a0 Nous ne pourrons m\u00eame pas nous rendre \u00e0 Stratford , confinement oblige, mais un m\u00e9morial aura certainement lieu en Octobre et je suis s\u00fbr que nous serons plusieurs \u00e0 faire le voyage .<\/p>\n
Notre affection \u00e0 tout Stratford et nos sentiments les plus profonds for ever.<\/p>\n
Jean Hospital<\/a><\/p>\n It is with a very sad heart that I must inform you of the passing, this morning, of our long standing VP, Mrs Gene Pawley, at the age of 85.<\/span> AUX SCUFISTES et \u00e0 la ROSE CUP. Gene Pawley died on the 5th April at 12h 30 in Stratford. C’est une tr\u00e8s mauvaise nouvelle pour tous, et pour les deux clubs. Amour, amiti\u00e9, fraternit\u00e9 pour tous, telle \u00e9tait la personnalit\u00e9 de Gene, qui avait travers\u00e9 ce si\u00e8cle entour\u00e9e de l\u2019affection de toutes les g\u00e9n\u00e9rations scufistes. […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":5,"featured_media":11564,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[4,10],"tags":[],"class_list":{"0":"post-11562","1":"post","2":"type-post","3":"status-publish","4":"format-standard","5":"has-post-thumbnail","7":"category-portraits","8":"category-rose-cup","9":"czr-hentry"},"yoast_head":"\n<\/p>\n
Gene was a regular at Stratford-SCUF events going back a full 50 years. She was pre-deceased many years ago by her late husband John Pawley also a club stalwart.\u00a0<\/span>
John and Gene used to run the popular\u00a0Friday night<\/a>\u00a0bar at the Rugby Club in the early 1970\u2019s, and John as a volunteer did a lot of work on the fitting out of the \u201cnew\u201d bar room ( i.e. the big bar) for example laying the wooden floor and timber work .\u00a0<\/span>
Gene and John were well known not only to the Stratford members but also well known \u00a0to the SCUFists \u00a0and they would visit each others\u2019 homes in Paris or in Stratford on frequent occasions. \u00a0Gene for example hosted our life member Mr. Jean Hospital and his wife, at last year\u2019s SCUF visit to Stratford. My wife and I joined them for dinner at Gene\u2019s house and it was a great night to remember. No-one would have guessed Gene\u2019s age, given her vitality and warmth. I have personally informed Jean Hospital today by telephone and, of course, he expressed his deep grief at the bad news.<\/span>
This long enduring friendship between members of SCUF and Stratford is a feature of our two Clubs but no-one personified that as much as Gene did. \u00a0<\/span>
Gene had had a bad bout of pneumonia over Christmas, but managed to be near her best for the VP Dinner on 7 February, where she sat with the Prentice\u2019s and old friends of Dave Young\u2019s Wombats, and which she told me she thoroughly enjoyed. She was not a \u00a0direct victim of the current virus, but just after she went in to the Bentley Nursing home a few weeks ago for physio and recuperation, it was of course closed to both visitors and physio\u2019s and this isolation seemed to put her in a downward trend.<\/span>
The funeral will be covered by the current restrictions ( max 5 Persons) so I imagine we will sadly not be able to attend.<\/span>
If you knew Gene, I am sorry to be the bearer of this sad news.\u00a0<\/span>
Whenever Stratford and SCUF meet next, we will remember her and commemorate her life.<\/span>
I feel somehow Gene is smiling down upon us all from above. She had a life well lived.<\/span>
God bless her..<\/span>
Sadly \/ John<\/span> Martin<\/p>\n<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"